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200. Chaplin no.1 Plane

Yaratuvchi: Towers & Lyon
Asl narxi: $ 10- $ 20 *
Valor Hoje: $ 500- $ 1.000 *

Seria surpreendente quanto os simples instrumentos tornaram-se caros ao longo do tempo. Como já observamos antes, existe um mercado de colecionadores para quase todos os itens, incluindo o formão. Os formões são usados para dar forma e cortar madeira.

Chaplin no.1 Plane @ella777111 / Pinterest.com

One of the most valuable hand planes is the Chaplin No. 1. Made by Tower & Lyon in New York, the planes have flowing lines and curves that make them stand out from other designs. The first Tower & Lyon (No. 1) hand plane was produced in 1872, and it generally resells for $500 to $1,000 on auction sites.

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