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54. Amazing Fantasy #15 Comic Book

Ishlab chiqaruvchi: Marvel Comics 
Asl narxi: US $ 0,05 *
Joriy qiymat: US $ 1,1 milhão *

In 1962, comic books cost just a few cents, but, now, comics like Amazing Fantasy #15, a Spider-Man comic, costs millions if it is in mint condition. Marvel Comics’ #15 was a hit because it introduced Peter Park as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in August of 1962. One comic book website called this a “key issue comic” that is the “most famous comic book” of all time.

Amazing Fantasy #15 Comic Book @ardenchay / Pinterest.com

Amazing Fantasy #15 não é fácil de encontrar, se é um original. Decadas se passaram, e quadrinhos não foram impressos em papel feito para durar tanto tempo. Coletores de Spider-Man estão dispostos a pagar milhões por este pedaço da história de Peter Parker. 

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