

65. Sports Illustrated Nov. 29, 1963 (Roger Staubach)

製造商: Meredith Corporation
原價: US $ 0,35 *
今日價值: até US $ 1.800 *

Nicknamed “Captain America,” Roger Staubach is one of the most famous NFL quarterbacks of all time. He played for the Dallas Cowboys, wearing #12 faithfully throughout his entire career. He is still involved with the Cowboys, often commenting on current deals and headlines that pertain to the franchise.

Roger Staubach Cowboys Signed 1963 Sports Illustrated Magazine @livehorn / eBay.com

The Sports Illustrated edition from November 29, 1963 featured Staubach on the cover. Staubach was supposed to be on the front cover of LIFE instead of SI, but the Kennedy assassination occurred a little over a week before, changing those plans. Rare first editions of the magazine are worth up to $1,800 to serious collectors.



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