
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

156. Transformers #1 Signed by Stan Lee

Producer: Marvel
Original Price: $0.10*
Worth Today: $9,500* ‘

Even replicas of the #1 Transformers comic are known to be worth US$ 50, so an original version signed by Stan Lee himself? A true gold mine. Original signed copies of Transformers #1 fetched almost US$ 10,000 at auctions.

Transformers #1 Signed by Stan Lee @Comics / Pinterest.com

Released in 1984, Transformers # 1 was one of 80 issues published. The comics were published from September 1984 to January 1991. The second generation came in 1993. The first Transformers comic remains one of the best and most famous comics in the Transformers series. Despite being only a four-issue limited series, fans responded so well to the comic that it continued for 80 issues.


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