
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

228. The OG Sony Walkman

Manufacturer: Sony
Original price: $ 200 *
Current value: $ 951 *

The Walkman was a technological revolution that made Sony a lot of money. When the Walkman was launched in 1979, the portable audio player cost US$ 200 (about R$ 800 in today's money). Since then, all editions combined have sold around 385 million units and the Walkman paved the way for other portable audio players.

The OG Sony Walkman @theverge/Pinterest

Technological nostalgia is profitable in the collecting industry. Walkmans from the 1970s can cost as much as US$ 1,000 today, despite being mass-produced. Even though Walkmans are basically obsolete now, that doesn't mean you can't sell them on eBay to make money.


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