
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

12. First Edition of Where the Wild Ones Dwell

Manufacturer: Harper & Row 
Original Price: $1,99 *
Worth Today: $20.000 *

Maurice Sendak was an illustrator and writer. He was most famous for writing, Where the Wild Things Are, which became one of the most famous children's books of all time. Sendak also wrote In the Night Kitchen, Outside Over There, Nutshell Library, Chicken Soup with Rice, and more.

First Edition Where The Wild Things Are @childrnsbkshop /

Where the Wild Live is a fantastic children's book about a boy who gets into trouble and is sent to his room, which turns into an island of scary monsters. He learns his lesson, and becomes king of the monsters, before returning home. It's a wonderful epic that's as much about imagination as it is about rules, which makes it great for adults to revisit, too.

There was a surge of interest in the author in 2012, following his death, and seller confirmed that he sold a signed edition of Where the Wild Things Are, published in 1963, for US$25,000 in May of that year.

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