
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

Sheet music furniture

Manufacturer: English craftsmen of the late 19th century
Original price: US $ 100-500*
Value today: US $ 2,500 *

The Classical Revival style is one of the most popular types of architecture in America, whether for furniture or buildings. Also known as Neoclassical, this style was all the rage in the United States and the United Kingdom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Sheet Music Cabinets $2,500 @HomeHacks /

Neoclassicism was all about a renewed interest in classical forms, and English craftsmen and sculptors of the 1890s embraced the style quickly. The music cabinets have been given a Neoclassical twist. These cabinets were used to store classical music, classifying sheets by size, category or type. If you have one of these music cabinets, you should get it appraised as it could be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

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