
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

143. 1939 DC “Detective Comics” Batman

Manufacturer: DC Comics
Original Price: $0.10*
Worth Today: $1.38 million*

Comic book collectors aren't afraid to spend a lot of money to get rare comics, particularly if they feature classic superheroes like Batman. Detective Comics #27 is one of these rare comics, and was sold at auction for US$1.27 million in 2020. Although unrestored, this copy was still in good condition for a record-breaking sale.

1939 DC \Detective Comics

To date, only two copies of Detective Comics # 27 exist. Issue #27 was a debut issue for DC, as it was released a year after Action Comics # 1. The featured story in issue #27 was “The Case of the Chemical Syndicate”, a murder mystery involving the Apex Chemical Corporation.

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