
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

247. Bottle Caps

Manufacturer: Coca-Cola, Pepsi and more
Original price: US $ 0 *
Value today: US $ 10-50 per collection*

One would imagine that there is a market for everything, and you can usually find that market on eBay. Bottle cap collectors will have their moment to shine, as you can get at least a few dollars for your collection, however numerous, on eBay. Beer, soda, water – the more unique the lids, the better.

Bottle Caps ©silvernugget.999/ebay

For example, a collection of 100 red Budweiser Crown beer bottle caps is selling on eBay for US$$11. Another collection of one hundred caps is selling for US$$13. Note: If you want to offload your collection, you will need to have at least least fifty pieces, if not more.

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