
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

52. Cosden Liquid Gas Horsepower Plus Special Sign

Manufacturer: Cosden Oil & Gas Company 
Original price: US $ 200 *
Value today: US $ 21,600 *

Cosden Oil & Gas Company was founded by Josh Cosden in Oklahoma. Cosden Gas signs are pieces of Oklahoma history, so the largest of the signs, measuring six feet, sells for tens of thousands of dollars as home decorations.

Cosden Liquid Gas Horsepower Plus Special Sign @TheHoneyHole610 /

Josh Cosden was certainly a fascinating character. He was born in 1881, and throughout his life he gained and lost two fortunes. He started out as a salesman and moved to Oklahoma to start a life in the oil industry. Somehow, this bet worked. When he lost his oil fortune in 1925, he regained it by investing in oil fields in West Texas. 

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