
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

68. 1969 Volkswagen Beach Bomb Hot Wheels

Manufacturer: Mattel
Original Price: $ 0,98 *
Current value: $ 72.000 + *

Hot Wheels produced only 144 prototypes of the 1969 Volkswagen Beach Bomb, and to this day only fifty units are known, which explains the high price of this rare collectible. The Beach Bomb is one of the rarest Hot Wheels of all time, alongside items like the 1970 Mad Maverick and the diamond-studded 2008 Anniversary Edition.

1969 Volkswagen Beach Bomb Hot Wheels @RealJoeCausi /

The Beach Bomb may be even rarer than the estimated fifty. According to collector Bruce Pascal (who owns a Beach Bomb), only two exist today. The Pink Hot Wheels toy car can easily fetch at least $72,000.

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