
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

Poster for the Beatles concert at Shea Stadium in 1966

Manufacturer: Singer Shop Record Dept.
Original Price: $ 0,05 *
Current value: $ 137.000 *

The Beatles became a worldwide phenomenon in the 1960s and small souvenir items from the early days of their era have been resold for thousands of dollars. This poster is an example. A poster from the Beatles' 1966 Shea Stadium concert broke a world record when it sold for $135,700 at Heritage Auctions' entertainment auction.

1966 Shea Stadium Beatles Concert Poster @countryliving /

The entire auction netted US$ 1.68 million, and the poster achieved a world record for the most expensive poster ever sold at a public auction. The poster's sale more than doubled pre-auction estimates. Heritage Auctions described the poster as one of the hobby’s “Holy Grails.”

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