
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

92. Original Superman Action Figure

Manufacturer: Novelty & Toys Co.
Original price: US $ 1*
Current value: US $ 25,000 *

Compared to the sleek Superman action figures we see now in preparation for the next Justice League film, this original Superman figure might look a little dated. However, he still managed to sell for US $ 25,000 at auction. Superman has been an American icon since 1938, when he first appeared in Action Comics # 1.

Original Superman Action Figure @colleen466 /

This action figure of the Man of Steel was made in 1939. Fans of Pawn Stars will recognize it, as it was featured on the season twelve episode, “Fender Bender.” This 1939 action figure, a wood and composition jointed figure, is reportedly the first Superman toy ever made.

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