
The Most Valuable Collectors' Items in History

94. Apple I Computer

Maker: Apple's Steve Wozniak
Original Price: US$ 2,995*
Worth Today: US$ 200,000*

Although Apple I computer technology is far behind the MacBooks we have today, an Apple I can still fetch US$175,000 to US$475,000 at auction, thanks to nostalgic collectors with money to spend. The ones that sell the most are those that come with original instruction manuals and built-in keyboards.

Apple I Computer @Cynde Moya /

The Apple I cost $666.66 when it was released (the equivalent of $2,995 in today's prices). The Apple I was hand-built and designed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs helped him sell it. The computer was released in April 1976 and discontinued a year and a half later when the Apple II was released.

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